Caulfield RSL, 8. St. Georges Road, Elsternwick VIC 3185
Please check our club meetings & events schedule for more information.
Members and visitors who attended the Rotary Club of Southbank's this week's meeting witnessed a most enlightening presentation / Q&A session with the current District 9800 Director of Governance David Whiting on the proposed Digital Communications Solution (DCS), formerly known as OneRotary.
As early adopters of the platform which hosts our brand new website, The Rotary Club of Southbank invites other clubs to come and join us, learning not only from our experience, but empowering their opportunity to be a front-runner in shaping a platform that not only drives a positive message to the public about the work Rotary does but is consistent, updated and reflective of each and every Rotary Clubs' individual characteristics and community.
Key to the governance challenge is the task to set up a legal entity which will manage the onboarding of clubs and districts, handle sponsorship and corporate partnership opportunities, while allowing the proceeds of the sponsorships to be passed back into Rotary Projects in Australia.
It is expected in time, this role should lie with a corprate entity such as Rotary Down Under with a national support team, however like all great Rotary programs, they have to start somewhere.
The Rotary Club of Southbank is passionate and motivated by the vision of where this opportunity lies and seeks to fulful that role in the short term to get the process started.
For more information on the Rotary Digital Communications Solution and to submit your club's application for your own club website, visit www.rotarydcs.com.au.
For first hand knowledge, of what the platform is like to use, please feel free to contact the Secretary and Webmaster of Rotary Club of Southbank, Stuart McArthur
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President: Mikaela Stafrace
Secretary: Chris Stillwell
0416 140 533
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