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Southbank's launch of 'A Little Ray of Giving'
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14 December 2018

Southbank's launch of 'A Little Ray of Giving'

Ray White Southbank organised the launch of the 2018 'A Little Ray of Giving' on Friday afternoon, 14th December 2018 where there was free bianco latte ice-cream (gold coin donation), Santa greeting patrons + children and Rotarian Anne Mitchell from Rotary Club of Carlton & Steps Outreach Service as guest speaker.


'A Little Ray of Giving' is Ray White's very own community charity initiative where offices across Australia and New Zealand get behind the disadvantaged in our local communities and put a smile on their faces at Christmas time. Ray White Southbank will again be partnering with Rotary Club of Southbank for a second (2nd) year running.

Rotarian Anne thanked Andrew Salvo and his wonderful team at Ray White Southbank who partnered with our club to fundraise and donate gifts and grocery vouchers to Steps Outreach Service to help support young people and families experiencing homelessness and disadvantage.


Following on from the launch, volunteers from Rotary and Melbourne start-up iDibs helped Ray White Southbank to wrap over 500 Christmas gifts on both Tuesday, 18th December & Wednesday, 19th December 2018. Rotary Club of Southbank and Ray White Southbank would like to acknowledge the following volunteers who gave their time to do gift wrapping on the dates mentioned:

  • iDibs
    • Tiorentina
    • Liang Zhang
    • Linhan Li
  • Rotary Club of Southbank
    • President Nominee Jasmin Dhillon
  • Rotary Club of North Melbourne
    • Past President Darren Veerapa




Amritpal Singh

Members Words

Rotary provides for me the inspiration and moti...

Judy Parslow


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Contact the Rotary Clubof Southbank Inc.

President: Mikaela Stafrace

Secretary: Chris Stillwell