Caulfield RSL, 8. St. Georges Road, Elsternwick VIC 3185
Please check our club meetings & events schedule for more information.
By Neville John, District Director Membership
The District Support Team is conducting three facilitated workshops in August 2018, involving Warwick Cavell (Facilitator), Kerry Kornhauser OAM (Public Image/Communications), Yvonne Flynn (Club Service) and PDG Neville John (Membership Director).
These workshops will be hands-on interactive sessions that will include:Two members from each club are invited to attend, preferably President and/or Membership rep. The workshop is general in nature and not club specific and will provide an understanding of the process that can be used and ideas around how other things, if done properly can improve member recruitment prospects and retention.
If the attendees feel that their club could use some help thereafter in implementing what they want to try, the membership support team will meet with their Board to explain the process and set up a club forum.
There is NO COST to the Club and members can attend any of the sessions that suit them best.
All sessions are 8.30 am for 9 am start and finish at 1.00 pm with a light lunch.
RSVP is essential by 6th August, 2018 detailing session you will attend and any dietary requirements to:
Marjorie Gerlinger, marbern@bigpond.net.au, 0419 302 109
Vibrant Clubs provide opportunities for its members and other community stakeholders to engage in a range of interesting humanitarian projects that promote what Rotary does to make a difference to the lives of others.
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President: Mikaela Stafrace
Secretary: Chris Stillwell
0416 140 533
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